
Academic Titles

French Qualification au fonctions de maître de conférences, Section 27 (In- formatics) and 61 (Software engineering), UMR CNRS 6134, Corte, Corsica.

2004 PhD in environmental and computer science, (with « great honnours » ),UMR CNRS 6134, Corte, Corsica.

Master in «Business and Computer Science», University-collège of Borås, Sweden.

BA “honnours” In computer communication and management, Grade 2.1 (with honnours), University of Coventry, England.


2006 – Present CNRS Researcher in computer science for fire research, UMR CNRS 6134, Corte, Corsica.

2005-2006 – Staff Research engineer, European center for medium range weather forecasting, Reading, UK.

2004-2005 Post Doctoral Researcher (Japanese Fundation for the promotion of Science grant), Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.


English, French
Corsican, Swedish, German, Japanese, Italian


C++, Java, Scientific Python, Fortran
Scientific Visualisation, (Paraview/vtk), GIS (GDAL), UNIX